Home > Journal > Dinner


February 2nd, 2009

Before Brian left work, Kristin suggested he pick up some dinner for himself, since we would be heading to the hospital around dinner time. So he bought some subs at Cousins on his way home.

Since we’re just killing time, we decided Brian should eat while he can. Kristin is not allowed to eat, so Brian went to the nearby waiting room so she wouldn’t smell his food and get hungry. The patient kitchen also is nearby; Brian is allowed to access it (keypad) to get things for himself and Kristin.

Kristin is sipping some apple juice right now. Brian chomped down his 7.5″ sub in 3 minutes and now doesn’t feel well.


  1. Holly
    February 2nd, 2009 at 19:23 | #1

    What’s up with the sudden shift from first person to third person?

  2. admin
    February 2nd, 2009 at 20:18 | #2

    It’s always been of mix of both.

  3. Holly
    February 2nd, 2009 at 20:54 | #3

    Fine fine. From an editorial perspective, I believe that a personal experience like giving birth is more exciting in the first person and you’re here to entertain me! 😉

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