Home > Journal > Scream


August 16th, 2013

Carson screams all the time, and it’s always at the top of his lungs. Although Braden usually plays nicely with Carson, sometimes Braden takes away Carson’s toys, and Carson then lets out a piercing scream.

Other times Carson gets clingy to one person, and if another person tries to hold him, he screams.

Carson also has begun kicking and screaming when his clothes or diaper are changed. Braden did the same thing at the same age of18 months, so we know we have a while to go with Carson.


Carson is still not speaking but at least he’s beginning to repeat a lot of words. It’s cute when Braden tries to teach him to talk. At least Carson usually understands what you’re saying to him.


Whenever Carson realizes we’re about to go somewhere, he runs to the door to get his shoes. He also will hand you your shoes. He still kicks his shoes off in the car but at least not as often now.


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