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Teeth, Hair and Phone

October 6th, 2021

Braden’s dentist has noted that he has been slow to lose his baby teeth. Now, in the past month, he has lost four. One he accidentally swallowed during dinner, one he lost in the park during football practice and two he pulled at home.

According to Braden, he has at least one baby tooth left. Also, the tooth fairy has been negligent in putting money under Braden’s pillow.


Over the past year, Braden has been obsessively parting his bangs (to the left). When Braden was younger, Brian would part his hair, but Braden would inevitably move it straight down his forehead. These days, you can see him part his hair everywhere–while waiting at the bus stop, during football games, while on his phone, etc.


Speaking of the phone, we got Braden a smartphone for Christmas (it’s Brian’s old phone). Like his mom, Braden is continuously on it, texting friends (many of whom are a year older and have had their phones for longer), playing games and watching TikToks videos.

We also like that Braden carries it around so that he can contact us in an emergency. Sometimes he has to ride his bike to football practice while we are at Carson’s Little League games, so he texts us when he has arrived at the park and when he gets home.

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