Christmas pics

January 12th, 2010
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Just uploaded a few photos from Christmas. We realize it’s not a lot of photos, but that’s because we took a lot of video of Braden opening gifts.


Happy New Year

January 1st, 2010
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What a difference a year makes. At the end of 2008, we were eagerly awaiting Braden’s arrival. Now, he’s almost 11 months old!


Braden is standing a lot more frequently now without having to lean against anything. We think most of the time he does it inadvertantly, but there are a few occasions where it seems he is purposely trying to stand by himself.

Another cute thing Braden is doing is now when he lies down, he put his hands behind his head like he is relaxing. We’re just waiting for him to cross his legs …


Braden’s first Christmas went well. We thought he would tear through the wrapping of his presents, but he was surprisingly uninterested in opening anything. He is, however, enjoying his gifts.


We took Braden to the UW basketball game on Thursday. Fortunately, he was a good boy, not crying or being overly squirmy. He fell asleep with about 4 min. left in the game, then slept the entire walk back to the car. Braden had not been to a sporting event since the Brewers game that Brian took him to back in the summer.

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December 16th, 2009
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Braden and Santa

We had brunch Sunday at the Madison Club. In addition to a choir, guests also were treated to an appearance by Santa Claus. So of course, we had took pictures of Braden sitting on his lap. As you can tell by this photo, Braden was not happy!

Later on we had Kristin hold Braden while she stood near Santa, and we took another photo. Braden still looked concerned, but at least he didn’t cry this time.

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Thanksgiving photos

December 8th, 2009
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They’re finally posted! Check them out under the Photos 2 page.


Happy Thanksgiving

November 30th, 2009
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Braden and Brian did two Thanksgivings on Thursday–one at Brian’s mom’s house, and the other at Kristin’s parents’ house (Kristin had to work so she missed the earlier one). The two Lee boys ate a lot, as to be expected.

At the latter Thanksgiving, Braden got to hang out with two other babies–Bennett (son of Kristin’s cousin Gretchen) and Elise (daughter of Kristin’s cousin Katie). Braden was a bit fussy, perhaps from the fact that there were 23 people there. He did lighten up a bit when he and Bennett starting chasing each other around the house.

It was cool to have a four-generation holiday, and it was neat to see how times have changed (each age group moved up). Pictures will be posted soon!


Seven seconds

November 23rd, 2009
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Yesterday, while Brian was sitting on the ground, Braden grabbed Brian’s arm to stand up, then he let go and stood for seven seconds! It was an amazing sight to see. Braden’s legs are getting stronger, and his balance is getting better and better.


Braden had his nine-month check up last week. He has not been gaining as much weight as before because he’s been crawling and climbing so much. In fact, he went from the 95th percentile in weight down to the 83rd! If you take a close look at him, his cheeks aren’t as pudgy as they once were.

Braden also got his H1N1 shot at the appointment. He has to get a booster shot in four weeks (or, as  Brian likes to joke: he got his H1 shot last week, and he’ll get his N1 shot later).


Braden really enjoys climbing the stairs, which he can do in only 30 seconds. The first time he ever did it, he was out of breath. Now, he’s not even close to being winded. He’s in good  cardiovascular shape!

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New Onion pics

November 5th, 2009
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Thanks to our friend Megan at the Onion, we have two new Onion shirts for Braden. Check out the new photo shoot.


Rise and fall

November 3rd, 2009
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Braden really enjoys standing. For example, his favorite spot is the window, where he’ll grab onto the ledge and pull himself to a standing position. He does this easily with any object (stairs, coffee table, etc.). Some times he’ll let go just to see if he can stand without any aid (and he will for a few seconds!). As a result, Braden’s arms and legs are getting pretty strong. We’re certain he’ll be walking soon.

Braden’s only difficulty is sitting down again. He usually just lets go and falls on his butt, which is obviously padded by his diaper.

With Braden so mobile, we’ve really been trying hard to baby-proof the house. Brian installed gates to the stairs and cabinet locks, while Kristin has installed socket protectors everywhere.

Braden also likes chasing and being chased. If the latter, he’ll stop to make sure you’re still coming after him. With all the crawling, he’s starting to get some rug burn on the top of his feet. We would put socks on him, but with our wood floors, it would too slippery for him to continue trying to stand.


Braden’s front two teeth are coming in. That makes six visible teeth in his mouth. Now instead of just baby food, we’re giving him other foods like bananas, cereal and other non-mushy foods.


As previously reported, Braden can say “Hi dad” and “da-da.” He just added “ma-ma” the other day, much to Kristin’s happiness. Still no luck in getting him to say, “May I help you with some more chores, father?”


Happy 9-month birthday, Braden!

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Some new photos

October 21st, 2009
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Sorry, we know it’s been a while since we’ve posted new photos. Check out the gallery called “September.” We adore how cute Braden looks wearing Brian’s hat. Also, the last two pics are of Braden standing.



October 14th, 2009
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Okay, Braden is officially crawling, and he is fast. We cannot take our eyes off of him for even a second, as he’ll race across the room in no time. He’s also really enjoying standing; Braden likes it when you hold his hands to help balance him as he stands up on his own. We’re sure he’ll be walking in no time.

We have more room in the living room now, as we bought new furniture. We have just a couch and chair now, and they’re both smaller than their predecessors. Without a love seat, we have clear access to the window, which gives Braden some more room to play. Brian is trying to figure out a fencing system so we can keep him toward the window area (instead of by the TV-related equipment and the stairs).


Some day Braden is going to kill us for writing this, but he gets pretty constipated every now and then. In fact, you can see his face turn red as he tries to push (unsuccessfully). Poor guy, he seems to be in so much discomfort. We’ve been adding more Gerber prunes to his diet to help him.
