
Posts Tagged ‘birthday’

Nice pants

March 14th, 2009
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We’ve uploaded some more pics in a gallery called “Weeks 3-4 pics.” You’ll see Braden at the Nitty Gritty on Brian’s birthday, and photos of Braden wearing pants.


Episode 6 is coming soon!


One Month and 10 Years

March 4th, 2009
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Yesterday (March 3) was Braden’s one month birthday already–how time flies! We can’t believe that a month ago at this time we were in the hospital.

Braden is now more than 10 lbs. Kristin found out from the lactation specialist that we’ve been feeding him too much. Apparently he’s not always hungry when he cries; some times he just wants to be held. So now we’re cutting back a bit.

Today (March 4) is the 10-year anniversary of our first date. On March 4, 1999, we had dinner at Paisan’s (when it was at University Square 4), then we rented “Happy Gilmore.” We also made plans to see each other over spring break, which was the following week.

If someone had told us back then that 10 years later we’d be married, own a home downtown and have a one-month-old baby … wow!

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Happy Birthday, Brian

February 23rd, 2009
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Brian celebrated his 29th birthday today. We decided to eat at the Nitty Gritty since it was so close, despite eating there every year (we had been hoping to go somewhere else).

Braden began feeding around 5:40 p.m., and after 30 min. or so, he was done, and we quickly packed up and left. He fell asleep in the car ride over, and slept the entire meal (a little less than an hour long).

As soon as we got home, he woke up and told us he was hungry!

Sadly, we went to bed at 9 p.m., the earliest we’ve hit the hay for either of our birthdays in a long time.


Braden is now 9 lbs. Apparently, within the first three weeks, babies can be insatiable. So hopefully, his relentless hunger will subside soon (and subsequently, we can sleep more).

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