
Posts Tagged ‘curiosity’

There’s something in the water

October 11th, 2011
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cimg4816It always seems that groups of women get pregnant at the same time. Not only is Kristin pregnant, but so are a bunch of her coworkers and two of her cousins. Plus, some of our neighbors and friends have just had babies recently.

Here’s a photo from the UW football game vs. South Dakota. Cousin Katie (next to Kristin) is due in November, cousin Gretchen is due in December and Kristin follows in January. It was funny when Brian took the photo, as a woman behind us said, “Oh my God, are all three of you pregnant?!”


Braden is getting more and more curious. He’ll often ask what an unrecognized object is used for. When he comes across a TV show he doesn’t know, he’ll ask, “What’s this show called?”

Interestingly, though, he still doesn’t know what the word “why” means. When we ask him why he has done something, he honestly doesn’t know how to answer.


Braden has noticed that daddy does most of the cooking at home. When he sees Brian in the kitchen, he’ll say “Daddy cooking?” But when Kristin cooks on the rare occasion, Braden says, “Mommy not cooking!”


We do think that Braden knows a baby is coming soon. He likes the book about having a little sibling that we read him (he usually picks this book every night). Hopefully this will ease the transition for him.

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