We are still amazed by how much Braden can eat. On Thanksgiving morning, he ate about three full bowls of oatmeal. We were worried if he was going to be able to eat Thanksgiving lunch (with Brian’s family) and Thanksgiving dinner (with Kristin’s family) … but he did.
At our first Thanksgiving meal, he was offered some cocktail wieners but adamantly refused them. After Brian got Braden to try the sauce, he ate about eight of them!
When we go out to eat, he likes to order now (if he’s not too shy with the waitress). He’ll either ask for chicken and french fries or hot dog and french fries, though sometimes he asks for chicken AND hot dog. Coincidentally, we were eating at the Madison Club for dinner last week, and they gave him sliced hot dog as the amuse-bouche, before his entree of chicken strips.
Despite all this eating, Braden has not grown in the last two months. Brian measures his height at the beginning of each month, but Braden has stayed the same from October to December.
The other day Braden climbed into his stroller and wanted to be pushed around. That made us realize that we have not gotten him to ride in his stroller for several months. In fact, we couldn’t even remember the last time he (willingly) rode it.
At least he still rides in the grocery cart. He likes being handed the food, which he then throws into the cart. On quicker shopping trips, he likes to carry the basket.
We like watching Braden play with his toys. He’s at the point where he’ll have his toys talk to each other. For example, he may have his crocodile chase another action figure, who will say “don’t eat me! don’t eat me!”
Braden also enjoys reading through the Toys ‘R Us catalog. He tells us every toy that he wants. We think he’ll LOVE Christmas this year.
Another one of Kristin’s cousins, Gretchen, just gave birth to her second child, Addie. Congratulations to Gretchen, Todd and big brother Bennett!
congrats, feeding, toys