
Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Just a little bit more

August 20th, 2012
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Carson is so close to crawling. He can go from a sitting position to on his belly and vice-versa. We’ve put objects in front of him that he reaches for but ultimately gives up on.

It’s interesting to watch him try, though. He’ll tuck in one of his legs like he’s about to push off on it, but then he doesn’t and usually goes back into a sitting position.

Once he does learn to crawl, we’ll have to un-retire all of our gates that we haven’t used in a while. Not sure how Braden is going to take to that.


We did end up having six-month portraits taken of Carson. We dressed him up in one outfit that Braden wore just to see how alike the two are. Verdict: they’re brothers but definitely distinguishable. In the other set of photos, he’s wearing green overalls.


We’re concerned how little fluids Braden drinks each day. We’ve previously mentioned that he no longer drinks soy milk. At breakfast, he usually has about a sip of water. Sometimes at lunch he’ll drink a little more, especially if it’s a juice box. At dinner, he’ll have another sip of water unless we treat him to some decaf soda. Before bed, he’ll have one more sip of water.

We have gotten Braden to drink chocolate milk, but he has a love-hate relationship with it, like he does with most foods. This means that some weeks he’ll love something, others he’ll hate it. It’s frustrating for us!

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Look who’s three

February 15th, 2012
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Braden turned three two Fridays ago (Feb. 3). We submitted his photo to Ch. 3 News (our CBS affiliate), and he liked seeing himself on TV.

We had a birthday lunch planned, but Brian had a bug and was sick all day. Braden had the bug first; he came into our room Monday night covered in vomit. On Tuesday, he seemed fine, but he vomited when he got to school, so Brian took him home.

Kristin was then sick on Wednesday and Thursday. Fortunately, Carson avoided being sick!

Anyways, we rescheduled Braden’s birthday lunch for the following Sunday at the Nitty Gritty. It was nice to have both sides of the family there. Braden loved his presents.


We bought the book “Bringing up Bebe,” which is about French parenting. While we’ve only gotten through the first three chapters, we’ve already implemented the “pause” technique. Instead of rushing over to Carson every time he makes a noise at night, we wait to see if he’ll fall back asleep.

Indeed, the majority of the time he falls back asleep. The book says that parents are the ones screwing up the sleep cycle for their newborns by tending to them too often. Babies need to learn to fall back asleep on their own. In most cases, Carson just has gas/poop.

Currently, Carson only wakes up once per night for feeding; previously, he got up 3-4 times a night!


Braden is very clever. Before, when he needed to reach something, he would pull a chair over. Now, to reach things even higher (like his animal crackers), he’ll use a broom.


At Braden’s allergy appointment a few weeks ago, the doctor said that Braden’s dairy allergy is subsiding. Currently, we’re giving him just a little bit of real milk or even cheese each day. So far, he hasn’t had a negative reaction. We’re hoping to keep desensitizing him (as opposed to building up his tolerance).


We had portraits taken of both Braden and Carson a couple weeks ago. Braden did surprisingly well; Carson had a few shots with his eyes open. We’ll order some soon!

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February photos

March 2nd, 2010
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Just uploaded photos from last month. Our favorites are Braden wearing Brian’s hat and Braden fighting off a piece of broccoli.

Check them out under “Photos 3 / February”


Scrunchy nose

August 14th, 2009
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Braden has proven that he is part Kristin: he has begun scrunching his nose, especially when he smiles. This is a Plummer trait going up three generations, and it has now reached a fourth. We’ll try to get a picture to show you.


Braden reached 11 hours of continuous sleep the other day! We think feeding him solids has helped. He has now slept five straight nights without interruption. Brian said he’s actually groggier now in the mornings because he’s not used to the sleep.


We are taking Braden to West Towne Mall for professional portraits on Saturday. We’ll share those pictures when we get them.

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Photos for the Onion

March 6th, 2009
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We took a bunch of photos of Braden a while ago with the intent of submitting one to Brian’s friends at the Onion. They gave us Braden’s first item of clothing–a T-shirt (0-3 months) with the Onion logo on it.

You’ll see in these pics that he doesn’t like to lie still. We even caught him sneezing in one of the photos (very funny).

Currently, the pic of Braden is residing on the Onion’s intranet site (internal only). A screen capture is included in the photo album.
