
Posts Tagged ‘sleep’

Day 1 good night

February 3rd, 2009
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It’s 9:15 p.m. right now and we’re going to try to sleep. Braden is a great sleeper, so we’re going to take advantage until we have to feed him again (around midnight).

Speaking of which, he fed three of the six times we tried today (babies don’t eat much right away, apparently).

Before we forget to mention, we’d like to buy a Posturepedic [spelling?] bed when we get back. We’re both sleeping on a bed similar in concept in which you can raise or lower the top and bottom independently of each other. (Anyone watch “The Simpsons”? Bed goes up, bed goes down. Bed goes up, bed goes down.)

Be sure to check out the photo page if you haven’t yet. We’ve been uploading new photos to the birth page throughout the day. It’s funny, Braden has had his picture taken more times today than we did combined in our first few months!

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