Braden has proven that he is part Kristin: he has begun scrunching his nose, especially when he smiles. This is a Plummer trait going up three generations, and it has now reached a fourth. We’ll try to get a picture to show you.
Braden reached 11 hours of continuous sleep the other day! We think feeding him solids has helped. He has now slept five straight nights without interruption. Brian said he’s actually groggier now in the mornings because he’s not used to the sleep.
We are taking Braden to West Towne Mall for professional portraits on Saturday. We’ll share those pictures when we get them.
photos, sleep, smiles
We did it! Braden has been smiling from time to time, but we have never been able to get it on film–until tonight. He finished feeding and we put him in his crib, and then he just began smiling randomly as he some times does. Brian ran downstairs to grab the camera, then we had to tickle his cheeks to get him to do it again.
Check out the “Smile!” photo album. It was well worth the wait.
Over the past week or so, we’ve noticed Braden has been smiling a lot. Right now, he’s not smiling in reaction to anything. Rather, he’s smiling accidentally, but it sure is cute! He even smiles in his sleep.
Speaking of sleep, Braden “talks” a lot now at night. What he does is he makes a lot of “ahhh” noises. Unfortunately, this makes it harder for us to fall asleep, especially because we’re worried he may wake himself up and want to feed again. Last night, for example, we each got maybe four hours of sleep due to a combination of incessant feeding and baby noises.
sleep, smiles