
Posts Tagged ‘water break’

We’ve been admitted

February 2nd, 2009
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Kristin’s water broke today. We called our doctor, then headed to the triage station at Meriter. They confirmed that her water did break, and they admitted us.

So we’re just hanging out now, watching “Groundhog’s Day” on TV. Brian is sitting on his pullout sofa bed, and Kristin is sitting on a birthing ball right now.

The room is huge, about three times the size of Brian’s dorm room at Sellery. The outlets are unfortunately placed at inconvenient locations.

We’ll keep you posted as we can!

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Any day now …

January 25th, 2009
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We’re about one week away from the expected due date of Feb. 4, but the baby could arrive any time between now and then (hopefully not after). Kristin has two days of work left (today and Tuesday) and wants the baby out sooner rather than later.

It’s interesting to live day-to-day. We usually like things planned out ahead of time (especially Brian), but we try to avoid making plans too far out, just in case the baby comes. For instance, several colleagues in the PR industry and others have expressed interest in having lunch or coffee with Brian, but he doesn’t finalize anything until 1-2 days prior.

Also, we’re wondering if we go out somewhere, will Kristin’s water break? We’ve been at various restaurants and stores lately thinking that. Oops! Sorry Wal-Mart.

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